Forum Replies Created
David RutiezerSpectator
Site: MLK Worker Center
Lesson Title: Job interviews
Date of Class: Mar 14, 2019
Time of Class: 11:30 AM
MC: JaneLearnerGranny
DJ: DavidPoetDancer
Assistants/Shadowers/Auditioner: Jon
Module: Job Interviews
How Many Learners: 3
Materials Status (loyalty cards, alphabet sheets, etc):Self Evaluation
Preparation: Forgot to Show Up (1) vs. Every Hair In Place (10) = 7
Technique: Completely Incompetent (1) vs. Flawless Delivery (10) = 5
Engagement: Snoring Loudly (1) vs. Absolutely Riveted (10) = 6
Connection: Open Hostility (1) vs. Kumbayah (10) = 7
Poise: Charlie Brown (1) vs. Prince (10) = 7
Reflection: “It was ok.” (1) vs. Life-changing Epiphany (10) = 8What happened (as short or as long as you like, but be specific): Our lesson was about job interviews. We covered questions and answers about the kind of experience we have, how many years, and so on. We had some interesting conversations about our fields of work and experiences.
David RutiezerSpectatorLesson Title:Numbers
Date of Class:7/26/18
Day of Class:Thursday
Time of Class:10:15 AM
How Many Learners:21
Materials Status (loyalty cards, alphabet sheets, etc):
need more alphabet sheets
Self EvaluationPreparation: Forgot to Show Up (1) vs. Every Hair In Place (10) =5
Technique: Completely Incompetent (1) vs. Flawless Delivery (10) =7
Engagement: Snoring Loudly (1) vs. Absolutely Riveted (10) =7
Connection: Open Hostility (1) vs. Kumbayah (10) =8
Poise: Charlie Brown (1) vs. Prince (10) =7
Reflection: “It was ok.” (1) vs. Life-changing Epiphany (10) =6Total Score:40
What happened (as short or as long as you like, but be specific):Today was our last class. Michael observed again, and was very helpful making new loyalty cards, luckily, since there were a couple of new students! Many students asked for the class to continue, some even asking me after class. We did a number listen and point with the numbers on the alphabet sheets, and even this was challenging for some of the students. We practiced counting in a group, together, call and response, and then going round robin, with each student saying only one number. We listened to the difference between, and then practiced as a group saying, fourteen and forty, fifteen and fifty. This was to have tied into the module on clothes and shopping.
David RutiezerSpectatorLesson Title:Blueberry Hill
Date of Class:7/23/2018
Day of Class:Monday
Time of Class:10:15
Module:Berries & Cherries
How Many Learners:20
Materials Status (loyalty cards, alphabet sheets, etc):
We need more loyalty cards.
Self EvaluationPreparation: Forgot to Show Up (1) vs. Every Hair In Place (10) =6
Technique: Completely Incompetent (1) vs. Flawless Delivery (10) =7
Engagement: Snoring Loudly (1) vs. Absolutely Riveted (10) =8
Connection: Open Hostility (1) vs. Kumbayah (10) =8
Poise: Charlie Brown (1) vs. Prince (10) =8
Reflection: “It was ok.” (1) vs. Life-changing Epiphany (10) =8Total Score:45
What happened (as short or as long as you like, but be specific):Michael observed this class & plans to return Thursday. I brought the song Blueberry Hill & a basket of blueberries to share. After students spelled their own names, which some students are having breakthoughs with, but others are still struggling with, we all did a call and response with the song, using the lyrics sheet, and then we sang together. Even though they clearly liked the song, as a language learning exercise this seemed challenging for many of the students, both in terms of pronunciation and comprehension. After class, I, Michael, & Erika had a relatively long and in-depth conversation about the needs of this population in terms of learning English. Erika expressed how her biggest concern is that some of these people don’t remember/know how to say phone numbers (their own or those of their family members), find addresses, fill out even the simplest forms, figure out bus schedules, or follow simple instructions. She said she hopes we can continue to work together and will see if the funding for this class can continue.
David RutiezerSpectatorLesson Title:Writing Together
Date of Class:July 19, 2018
Day of Class:Thursday
Time of Class:10:15
How Many Learners:19
Materials Status (loyalty cards, alphabet sheets, etc):We need more loyalty cards. I believe Marlene is making more.Self Evaluation
Preparation: Forgot to Show Up (1) vs. Every Hair In Place (10) =6
Technique: Completely Incompetent (1) vs. Flawless Delivery (10) =6
Engagement: Snoring Loudly (1) vs. Absolutely Riveted (10) =8
Connection: Open Hostility (1) vs. Kumbayah (10) =9
Poise: Charlie Brown (1) vs. Prince (10) =8
Reflection: “It was ok.” (1) vs. Life-changing Epiphany (10) =4Total Score:40
What happened (as short or as long as you like, but be specific):I had students write a bit and help each other. This was, as far as I know, the first time these students had been encouraged to do this, and I took the risk of challenging them. I also wanted them to get practice helping each other and making connections with each other in this way, seeing themselves as helpers and as capable of building community around learning English together, rather than being embarrassed or having to get it perfectly. We wrote the sentences we say: What’s my name? etc. I could see in the previous weeks some of them trying to say, What’s my name? but not quite getting it, so it seemed like they were ready for this next step and very appreciative. We also practiced helping certain students spell their names. One student had a breakthrough and spelled her name, which is long, perfectly for the very first time. I got to congratulate her and this was very moving. A few others still need help with this. We also practiced saying and hearing the difference between B and V, and between M and N. Several of the students thanked me afterwards in English and Spanish for having a good class, helping them, and being patient and encouraging. I can’t find my attendance sheet so I may have forgotten it in the box, so I will have to fill it out next time.
David RutiezerSpectatorLesson Title: Berries & Cherries for July 16, 2018
Date of Class:July 16, 2018
Day of Class:Monday
Time of Class:10:15 AM
Module:Berries & Cherries
How Many Learners:22
Materials Status (loyalty cards, alphabet sheets, etc):okSelf Evaluation
Preparation: Forgot to Show Up (1) vs. Every Hair In Place (10) =6
Technique: Completely Incompetent (1) vs. Flawless Delivery (10) =7
Engagement: Snoring Loudly (1) vs. Absolutely Riveted (10) =8
Connection: Open Hostility (1) vs. Kumbayah (10) =8
Poise: Charlie Brown (1) vs. Prince (10) =8
Reflection: “It was ok.” (1) vs. Life-changing Epiphany (10) =8Total score: 45
What happened: Maureen joined us as DJ. We had a big, enthusiastic group. I’d brought a handout of a recipe for summer berry crisp with a color picture at the top which fit in with our theme and was new to many participants, but something they were interested in and could see themselves making and enjoying. We practiced reading and pronouncing the names of the ingredients and amounts.
David RutiezerSpectatorLesson Title:Hats, caps, jackets and coats
Date of Class:7/12/2018
Day of Class:Thursday
Time of Class:10:15
How Many Learners:17
Materials Status (loyalty cards, alphabet sheets, etc):okSelf Evaluation
Preparation: Forgot to Show Up (1) vs. Every Hair In Place (10) =6
Technique: Completely Incompetent (1) vs. Flawless Delivery (10) =5
Engagement: Snoring Loudly (1) vs. Absolutely Riveted (10) =6
Connection: Open Hostility (1) vs. Kumbayah (10) =8
Poise: Charlie Brown (1) vs. Prince (10) =6
Reflection: “It was ok.” (1) vs. Life-changing Epiphany (10) =5Total Score:
What happened (as short or as long as you like, but be specific):I brought different kinds of clothes and we practiced the names of clothes, using both our worksheets with pictures and the examples I brought in. We talked about the difference between coats and jackets, and between hats and caps, and we started working on a song about getting dressed in the morning.
David RutiezerSpectatorLesson Title: Cherries & Berries
Date of Class:7/9/18
Day of Class: Monday
Time of Class:10:15 AM
Module:Cherries & Berries
How Many Learners:20
Materials Status (loyalty cards, alphabet sheets, etc):okSelf Evaluation
Preparation: Forgot to Show Up (1) vs. Every Hair In Place (10) =5
Technique: Completely Incompetent (1) vs. Flawless Delivery (10) =5
Engagement: Snoring Loudly (1) vs. Absolutely Riveted (10) =5
Connection: Open Hostility (1) vs. Kumbayah (10) =7
Poise: Charlie Brown (1) vs. Prince (10) =3
Reflection: “It was ok.” (1) vs. Life-changing Epiphany (10) =6Total Score:31
What happened (as short or as long as you like, but be specific):David joined class as DJ. We pointed to pictures of different kinds of berries.
David RutiezerSpectatorLesson Title:How do I get to where you live?
Date of Class:June 4, 2015
Day of Class:Thurs.
Time of Class:10-11:30 am
Module:Maps & Addresses
How Many Learners:3
Materials Status (loyalty cards, alphabet sheets, etc):OKSelf Evaluation
Preparation: Forgot to Show Up (1) vs. Every Hair In Place (10) =6
Technique: Completely Incompetent (1) vs. Flawless Delivery (10) =7
Engagement: Snoring Loudly (1) vs. Absolutely Riveted (10) =8
Connection: Open Hostility (1) vs. Kumbayah (10) =8
Poise: Charlie Brown (1) vs. Prince (10) =8
Reflection: “It was ok.” (1) vs. Life-changing Epiphany (10) =5Total Score:42
What happened (as short or as long as you like, but be specific):Our last class for spring at East. We did a dictation and role play about the last day of class. I started a dictation and call and response with directions to where I live, and then each student had her chance to explain how to get to her home, while others wrote it down, and then each said the directions out loud while the rest of us repeated. It was a good opportunity to practice saying and writing things like, “My address is…”, “on the right/left side”, “go past”, “go all the way to”, “go as far as”, “go straight”, “keep going”, and “if you see/ get to___, you’ve gone too far.” It was nice to see a few returning students!
David RutiezerSpectatorLesson Title:Next to/ in front of/ behind
Date of Class:June 1, 2015
Day of Class:Monday
Time of Class:6-7:30 pm
Module:Maps & Addresses
How Many Learners:8
Materials Status (loyalty cards, alphabet sheets, etc):OKSelf Evaluation
Preparation: Forgot to Show Up (1) vs. Every Hair In Place (10) =7
Technique: Completely Incompetent (1) vs. Flawless Delivery (10) =7
Engagement: Snoring Loudly (1) vs. Absolutely Riveted (10) =7
Connection: Open Hostility (1) vs. Kumbayah (10) =8
Poise: Charlie Brown (1) vs. Prince (10) =7
Reflection: “It was ok.” (1) vs. Life-changing Epiphany (10) =6Total Score:42
What happened (as short or as long as you like, but be specific): Our last class for spring 2015 at Hall. We did a dictation and role play I made up, a conversation about the last day of class, and asking when it will start at Hall again (October 2015). We did a listen and do and then a dictation and role play about in front of, behind/in back of, next to, right, left, across from, and between. We finished with a song, Abilene.
David RutiezerSpectatorLesson Title:Did you get that?
Date of Class:May 28, 2015
Day of Class:Thursday
Time of Class:10-11:30 am
Module:Maps & Addresses
How Many Learners:1
Materials Status (loyalty cards, alphabet sheets, etc):OKSelf Evaluation
Preparation: Forgot to Show Up (1) vs. Every Hair In Place (10) =7
Technique: Completely Incompetent (1) vs. Flawless Delivery (10) =8
Engagement: Snoring Loudly (1) vs. Absolutely Riveted (10) =8
Connection: Open Hostility (1) vs. Kumbayah (10) =8
Poise: Charlie Brown (1) vs. Prince (10) =7
Reflection: “It was ok.” (1) vs. Life-changing Epiphany (10) =6Total Score:44
What happened (as short or as long as you like, but be specific):Only one student today. She had brought a list of irregular verbs, so after a few addresses dictated, I focused on those we would use with directions and getting somewhere: come, go, grew (up), as well as the subtle difference between I didn’t get that, and I don’t get it (hearing vs. comprehension).
David RutiezerSpectatorLesson Title:It’s Just Right
Date of Class:May 27, 2015
Day of Class:Wed.
Time of Class:6-7:30 pm
How Many Learners:6
Materials Status (loyalty cards, alphabet sheets, etc):OKSelf Evaluation
Preparation: Forgot to Show Up (1) vs. Every Hair In Place (10) =7
Technique: Completely Incompetent (1) vs. Flawless Delivery (10) =7
Engagement: Snoring Loudly (1) vs. Absolutely Riveted (10) =8
Connection: Open Hostility (1) vs. Kumbayah (10) =8
Poise: Charlie Brown (1) vs. Prince (10) =7
Reflection: “It was ok.” (1) vs. Life-changing Epiphany (10) =6Total Score:43
What happened (as short or as long as you like, but be specific):Victoria was an observer today. We all introduced ourselves and remembered everyone’s name. Then a learner showed up who hadn’t been there in quite a while and so we all introduced ourselves to her. We used Goldilocks as a listen and read along, part of it as a role play, a call and response and then to start a dictation and role play: Do you like__? Yes, I like it. It’s just right. (or It’s perfect). Thank you. Or No, I don’t like it. Really? Why not? It’s too__. or It’s not___ enough. Then we did How Much is That Doggie in the Window, going over the verse word by word for pronunciation, and then for meaning. Finally, we had a word scramble using our shopping words we came up with in the grocery store brainstorm a few weeks ago.
David RutiezerSpectatorLesson Title:Have you ever been there?
Date of Class:May 21, 2015
Day of Class:Thurs.
Time of Class:10-11:30 am
Module:Maps & Addresses
How Many Learners:3
Materials Status (loyalty cards, alphabet sheets, etc):I brought more alphabet sheets, so fine now.Self Evaluation
Preparation: Forgot to Show Up (1) vs. Every Hair In Place (10) =5
Technique: Completely Incompetent (1) vs. Flawless Delivery (10) =7
Engagement: Snoring Loudly (1) vs. Absolutely Riveted (10) =8
Connection: Open Hostility (1) vs. Kumbayah (10) =8
Poise: Charlie Brown (1) vs. Prince (10) =6
Reflection: “It was ok.” (1) vs. Life-changing Epiphany (10) =5Total Score:39
What happened (as short or as long as you like, but be specific):Much smaller group today. Unfortunately, we started late due to a few factors, including students not knowing which room to go to, either #1 or the modular we used last week. Also, school will be closed tomorrow, so there may have been confusion about whether or not the school was open today. Also, we had to end at 11:20 so a meeting could start in the room at 11:30. We worked on address writing and repeating. A student had brought a sheet of irregular verbs, which was great. So, I chose a sentence: I live at___. It’s near___. Have you ever been there? We all practiced asking each other where we’ve been, writing these sentences down, and discussing the ways to say it in Spanish, and the differences between Did you go to Eugene? and Have you been to Eugene?
David RutiezerSpectatorLesson Title: Addresses
Date of Class:5/18/15
Day of Class:Monday
Time of Class:6-7:30 pm
Module:Maps & Addresses
How Many Learners:7
Materials Status (loyalty cards, alphabet sheets, etc):OKSelf Evaluation
Preparation: Forgot to Show Up (1) vs. Every Hair In Place (10) =7
Technique: Completely Incompetent (1) vs. Flawless Delivery (10) =7
Engagement: Snoring Loudly (1) vs. Absolutely Riveted (10) =7
Connection: Open Hostility (1) vs. Kumbayah (10) =8
Poise: Charlie Brown (1) vs. Prince (10) =7
Reflection: “It was ok.” (1) vs. Life-changing Epiphany (10) =5Total Score:41
What happened (as short or as long as you like, but be specific): We had one new student. We did an address dictation for those students who were on time and then I had the idea to have those students then dictate those addresses to the later arrivals. We wrote and practiced saying and understanding: “Did you get that? Did he/she get that?” Then we spelled our names and introduced each other to the new student. We went over how to write directional abbreviations: I held up flashcards with N, E, S, W, SE, NE, NW, and SW, and students had to shout out what they stood for, and we practiced pronouncing street names like 5th and 80th. I handed out a list of prepositions and we did a call and response. I noticed they were helping each other understand what they meant. I then divided them into three groups and each group took a phone group for a timed exercise in which one student had to read as many addresses and phone numbers as possible while the other wrote them down. Then, I had them switch roles, so everyone had a turn to speak and to write. Finally, I taught them, by call and response and then by a group sing, Abilene, which, though not exactly about addresses, contains many phrases commonly used in casual English to describe going somewhere: Folks out there, take me back where I come from, if I stay here I’ll…
David RutiezerSpectatorLesson Title:Prepositions
Date of Class:5/14/15
Day of Class:Thursday
Time of Class:10-11:30 am
Module:Maps & Addresses
How Many Learners:12
Materials Status (loyalty cards, alphabet sheets, etc):need more alphabet sheetsSelf Evaluation
Preparation: Forgot to Show Up (1) vs. Every Hair In Place (10) =6
Technique: Completely Incompetent (1) vs. Flawless Delivery (10) =6
Engagement: Snoring Loudly (1) vs. Absolutely Riveted (10) =8
Connection: Open Hostility (1) vs. Kumbayah (10) =8
Poise: Charlie Brown (1) vs. Prince (10) =7
Reflection: “It was ok.” (1) vs. Life-changing Epiphany (10) =5Total Score:40
What happened (as short or as long as you like, but be specific):
We had so many people today, including several who came back for the first time in months and a few new learners. So, it took a while to spell all our names and introduce ourselves, pull up more chairs, and so on. But it was great to see so many people, and Laura was even taking pictures! One student brought a list of irregular verbs, but unfortunately, we ran out of copies. We spent time doing the song Around which teaches several prepositions and wrote down: around, over, under, through, near, close to, behind, in back of, in front of, etc. It would have been great to use these in a role play in small groups: Where is he/she? But we ran out of time.David RutiezerSpectatorLesson Title: How much is it?
Date of Class:May 13, 2015
Day of Class:Wednesday
Time of Class:6-7:30 pm
How Many Learners:9
Materials Status (loyalty cards, alphabet sheets, etc):OKSelf Evaluation
Preparation: Forgot to Show Up (1) vs. Every Hair In Place (10) =6
Technique: Completely Incompetent (1) vs. Flawless Delivery (10) =5
Engagement: Snoring Loudly (1) vs. Absolutely Riveted (10) =6
Connection: Open Hostility (1) vs. Kumbayah (10) =8
Poise: Charlie Brown (1) vs. Prince (10) =7
Reflection: “It was ok.” (1) vs. Life-changing Epiphany (10) =5Total Score:37
What happened (as short or as long as you like, but be specific):
We spent more time than I thought on a few things and didn’t get around to some I had hoped we would, and I did forget one thing I had hoped to do. However, we had a pretty successful brainstorm on grocery items, and we all helped each other by spelling many items out loud. We also did a listen and point with a takeout menu, and a dictation and brief role play: Excuse me, how much is the fish taco? The fish taco is___. Then we had a good question about cost, and reviewed that way of asking: How much does the fish taco cost? The fish taco COSTS___. We ended by singing How Much is That Doggie in the Window? -