“I’ve had the pleasure of working with immigrant communities since 1997. I’ve been fortunate in working with many wonderful volunteers that have donated their time and expertise to make English a reality for our newcomers. Never have I been more floored by the professionalism and the compassion of the teachers from People Places Things. At this point they have considerably helped upwards of a thousand people with their very comprehensive program. I wholeheartedly applaud their continued efforts make the lives of so many that much more rich.”
-Reid Craig, Bilingual Library Assistant, Multnomah County Library“Love the involvement of students in class. Instructor very enthusiastic and fun.”
“Demonstrated activities to use in classes. Made it seem real and do-able. Great!”
“Good info – really liked his comment “teachers need to listen more” yes!”
-from Portland Literacy Council Conference Presentation, Reed College, 3/13/10