Midland Library – Spring 2019

Forums Past Tense Journal (Classroom Log) Midland Library – Spring 2019

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  • #11096
    Zadok Taylor

    You should have received an email from Little Brother with your form-generated journal entry which you should copy and paste below! You can also manually copy the text below and paste into a comment, then fill it out! Please do not use your last name, or any learner names.

    Lesson Title:
    Date of Class:
    Day of Class:
    Time of Class:
    How Many Learners:
    Materials Status (loyalty cards, alphabet sheets, etc):

    Self Evaluation

    Preparation: Forgot to Show Up (1) vs. Every Hair In Place (10) =
    Technique: Completely Incompetent (1) vs. Flawless Delivery (10) =
    Engagement: Snoring Loudly (1) vs. Absolutely Riveted (10) =
    Connection: Open Hostility (1) vs. Kumbayah (10) =
    Poise: Charlie Brown (1) vs. Prince (10) =
    Reflection: “It was ok.” (1) vs. Life-changing Epiphany (10) =

    Total Score:

    What happened (as short or as long as you like, but be specific):

    • This topic was modified 5 years, 7 months ago by Zadok Taylor.
    • This topic was modified 5 years, 6 months ago by Zadok Taylor.
    Melissa Stocking

    Site: Midland Library
    Lesson Title: What is Meales
    Date of Class: Apr 03, 2019
    Time of Class: 6:00 PM
    MC: AshleyCreativeTraveler
    DJ: MelissaPatientParalegal
    Module: Vaccinations
    How Many Learners: 7
    Materials Status (loyalty cards, alphabet sheets, etc): Good

    Self Evaluation

    Preparation: Forgot to Show Up (1) vs. Every Hair In Place (10) = 4
    Technique: Completely Incompetent (1) vs. Flawless Delivery (10) = 4
    Engagement: Snoring Loudly (1) vs. Absolutely Riveted (10) = 5
    Connection: Open Hostility (1) vs. Kumbayah (10) = 5
    Poise: Charlie Brown (1) vs. Prince (10) = 5
    Reflection: “It was ok.” (1) vs. Life-changing Epiphany (10) = 5

    What happened (as short or as long as you like, but be specific): MC led the class through activities (dictation, round robin, this is a, listen & point) relating to measles. The learners were eagerly using their phones to look up terms like measles, breathing tubes, outbreak and appeared engaged. There were a few times when words in the dictations appeared difficult for the learners so the MC would find someone who had written it correctly and have them write it on the board. One new learner showed up partway through class.

    Daniel Yuhas

    Site: Midland Library
    Lesson Title: Native and Invasive Plants
    Date of Class: Apr 04, 2019
    Time of Class: 6:00 PM
    MC: RachelHappyMaps
    DJ: DanielGoofyProfessor
    Assistants/Shadowers/Auditioner: Antonia
    Module: Local Flora
    How Many Learners: 12
    Materials Status (loyalty cards, alphabet sheets, etc): aok

    Self Evaluation

    Preparation: Forgot to Show Up (1) vs. Every Hair In Place (10) = 6
    Technique: Completely Incompetent (1) vs. Flawless Delivery (10) = 6
    Engagement: Snoring Loudly (1) vs. Absolutely Riveted (10) = 7
    Connection: Open Hostility (1) vs. Kumbayah (10) = 6
    Poise: Charlie Brown (1) vs. Prince (10) = 6
    Reflection: “It was ok.” (1) vs. Life-changing Epiphany (10) = 7

    What happened (as short or as long as you like, but be specific): 2 brand new learners! Native vs. Invasive plants with lots and lots of handouts, which was awesome. We did a fun plant identification game. Overall high energy, very engaged class. Nice work, y’all!

    Rachel Tarbet

    1 of 7,171
    {PPT PDX} Little Brother has made your Past Tense Journal entry!
    Little Brother

    11:13 PM (0 minutes ago)

    to ppt.languageservices, me

    Hello! My name is Little Brother, and I’m here helping make things here at PPT easier!

    Here’s your forum post! Please copy and paste this into the PPT Forum!

    Site: Midland Library
    Lesson Title: Even the hugest trees grow from tiny seeds
    Date of Class: Apr 11, 2019
    Time of Class: 6:00 PM
    MC: DanielGoofyProfessor
    DJ: RachelHappyMaps
    Module: Local Flora
    How Many Learners: 11
    Materials Status (loyalty cards, alphabet sheets, etc): More alphabet sheets

    Self Evaluation

    Preparation: Forgot to Show Up (1) vs. Every Hair In Place (10) = 7
    Technique: Completely Incompetent (1) vs. Flawless Delivery (10) = 7
    Engagement: Snoring Loudly (1) vs. Absolutely Riveted (10) = 7
    Connection: Open Hostility (1) vs. Kumbayah (10) = 7
    Poise: Charlie Brown (1) vs. Prince (10) = 7
    Reflection: “It was ok.” (1) vs. Life-changing Epiphany (10) = 7

    What happened (as short or as long as you like, but be specific): Daniel brought in cones for the learners to look at and identified them by name. Had them write down a poem about how trees scatter their seeds.

    Josh Urban

    Site: Midland Library
    Lesson Title: Green Spaces
    Date of Class: Apr 10, 2019
    Time of Class: 6:00 PM
    MC: RachelHappyMaps
    DJ: JoshBlazersBasketball
    Module: Green Spaces
    How Many Learners: 13
    Materials Status (loyalty cards, alphabet sheets, etc): Good.

    Self Evaluation

    Preparation: Forgot to Show Up (1) vs. Every Hair In Place (10) = 6
    Technique: Completely Incompetent (1) vs. Flawless Delivery (10) = 4
    Engagement: Snoring Loudly (1) vs. Absolutely Riveted (10) = 6
    Connection: Open Hostility (1) vs. Kumbayah (10) = 4
    Poise: Charlie Brown (1) vs. Prince (10) = 5
    Reflection: “It was ok.” (1) vs. Life-changing Epiphany (10) = 6

    What happened (as short or as long as you like, but be specific): Alphabet game, name game, lesson activity with pictures, matching, and word finding.

    Daniel Yuhas

    Site: Midland Library
    Lesson Title: trees to plant
    Date of Class: Apr 18, 2019
    Time of Class: 6:30 PM
    MC: RachelHappyMaps
    DJ: DanielGoofyProfessor
    Module: Local Flora
    How Many Learners: 13
    Materials Status (loyalty cards, alphabet sheets, etc): One student card was missing, and watch out for missing language on the back of one card!

    Self Evaluation

    Preparation: Forgot to Show Up (1) vs. Every Hair In Place (10) = 7
    Technique: Completely Incompetent (1) vs. Flawless Delivery (10) = 7
    Engagement: Snoring Loudly (1) vs. Absolutely Riveted (10) = 7
    Connection: Open Hostility (1) vs. Kumbayah (10) = 7
    Poise: Charlie Brown (1) vs. Prince (10) = 7
    Reflection: “It was ok.” (1) vs. Life-changing Epiphany (10) = 6

    What happened (as short or as long as you like, but be specific): High energy class with lots of engaged learners. At least 7 home languages in the room among 13 students! Lots of laughing and joking as we talked about which trees are less than awesome for planting in Oregon. Nice work!

    Francine Talla

    Site: Midland Library
    Lesson Title: so many vaccinations , so many shots
    Date of Class: Apr 17, 2019
    Time of Class: 6:00 PM
    MC: MelissaPatientParalegal
    DJ: FrancineSmile
    Module: Health
    How Many Learners: 10
    Materials Status (loyalty cards, alphabet sheets, etc): looks good

    Self Evaluation

    Preparation: Forgot to Show Up (1) vs. Every Hair In Place (10) = 8
    Technique: Completely Incompetent (1) vs. Flawless Delivery (10) = 7
    Engagement: Snoring Loudly (1) vs. Absolutely Riveted (10) = 7
    Connection: Open Hostility (1) vs. Kumbayah (10) = 8
    Poise: Charlie Brown (1) vs. Prince (10) = 8
    Reflection: “It was ok.” (1) vs. Life-changing Epiphany (10) = 8

    What happened (as short or as long as you like, but be specific): The lesson what about vaccinations and shots ; Ramin was doing an intervention so we had extra help throughout the class. The visuals aids were helpful for the understanding of the content. Learners were helping each other.

    Rachel Tarbet

    Site: Midland Library
    Lesson Title: The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree
    Date of Class: Apr 25, 2019
    Time of Class: 6:00 PM
    MC: DanielGoofyProfessor
    DJ: RachelHappyMaps
    Module: Local Flora
    How Many Learners: 12
    Materials Status (loyalty cards, alphabet sheets, etc):

    Self Evaluation

    Preparation: Forgot to Show Up (1) vs. Every Hair In Place (10) = 7
    Technique: Completely Incompetent (1) vs. Flawless Delivery (10) = 7
    Engagement: Snoring Loudly (1) vs. Absolutely Riveted (10) = 7
    Connection: Open Hostility (1) vs. Kumbayah (10) = 7
    Poise: Charlie Brown (1) vs. Prince (10) = 7
    Reflection: “It was ok.” (1) vs. Life-changing Epiphany (10) = 7

    What happened (as short or as long as you like, but be specific): Went around an talked about different apple products and where you get them

    Sent via Google Forms Email


    Site: Midland Library
    Lesson Title: Today is May Day
    Date of Class: May 01, 2019
    Time of Class: 6:00 PM
    MC: MelissaPatientParalegal
    DJ: ThitichayaThaiGood
    Module: Labor Unions
    How Many Learners: 11
    Materials Status (loyalty cards, alphabet sheets, etc): ok

    Self Evaluation

    Preparation: Forgot to Show Up (1) vs. Every Hair In Place (10) = 8
    Technique: Completely Incompetent (1) vs. Flawless Delivery (10) = 7
    Engagement: Snoring Loudly (1) vs. Absolutely Riveted (10) = 8
    Connection: Open Hostility (1) vs. Kumbayah (10) = 6
    Poise: Charlie Brown (1) vs. Prince (10) = 6
    Reflection: “It was ok.” (1) vs. Life-changing Epiphany (10) = 7

    What happened (as short or as long as you like, but be specific): The alphabets were organized well, so learners got challenging with them. The class was full of energy and engagement because of Melissa. She kept giving useful information to learners. Moreover, she also applied TPR activity. As a result, learners moved around in a class, so they would be bored.

    Holly Mayle

    Site: Midland Library
    Lesson Title: Wouldn’t it be fun to do this outside?!
    Date of Class: May 02, 2019
    Time of Class: 6:00 PM
    MC: DanielGoofyProfessor
    DJ: HollyWelcomingMagician
    Assistants/Shadowers/Auditioner: Tyler
    Module: The Great Outdoors
    How Many Learners: 8
    Materials Status (loyalty cards, alphabet sheets, etc): good!

    Self Evaluation

    Preparation: Forgot to Show Up (1) vs. Every Hair In Place (10) = 7
    Technique: Completely Incompetent (1) vs. Flawless Delivery (10) = 7
    Engagement: Snoring Loudly (1) vs. Absolutely Riveted (10) = 7
    Connection: Open Hostility (1) vs. Kumbayah (10) = 7
    Poise: Charlie Brown (1) vs. Prince (10) = 7
    Reflection: “It was ok.” (1) vs. Life-changing Epiphany (10) = 7

    What happened (as short or as long as you like, but be specific): The MC led the class in a lesson about the different lanugage used when talking about activities you may do inside or outside! (ie, cooking versus a barbecue) The learners were excited to try to guess the terms for doing such things outside! A listen and point was also given about extreme ironing

    Daniel Yuhas

    Site: Midland Library
    Lesson Title: Teachers’ Union Walkout
    Date of Class: May 09, 2019
    Time of Class: 6:00 PM
    MC: MelissaPatientParalegal
    DJ: DanielGoofyProfessor
    Assistants/Shadowers/Auditioner: Jean
    Module: Labor Unions
    How Many Learners: 8
    Materials Status (loyalty cards, alphabet sheets, etc): AOK

    Self Evaluation

    Preparation: Forgot to Show Up (1) vs. Every Hair In Place (10) = 9
    Technique: Completely Incompetent (1) vs. Flawless Delivery (10) = 7
    Engagement: Snoring Loudly (1) vs. Absolutely Riveted (10) = 8
    Connection: Open Hostility (1) vs. Kumbayah (10) = 8
    Poise: Charlie Brown (1) vs. Prince (10) = 8
    Reflection: “It was ok.” (1) vs. Life-changing Epiphany (10) = 8

    What happened (as short or as long as you like, but be specific): A happy coincidence that today’s class was on the day of the teachers’ walkout!

    We talked about the Portland Public School teachers’ walkout, labor unions, and both teachers and students practiced “walking out” of the class!

    We used an audio clip from an OPB news story about the teachers’ labor concerns, and having students raise their hands whenever they heard the word “union” was a great attention trick!

    Ashley Lopez

    Hello! My name is Little Brother, and I’m here helping make things here at PPT easier!

    Here’s your forum post! Please copy and paste this into the PPT Forum!

    Site: Midland Library
    Lesson Title: The sun is finally out
    Date of Class: May 10, 2019
    Time of Class: 6:30 PM
    MC: AshleyCreativeTraveler
    DJ: MC Entered attendance, no DJ
    Module: The Great Outdoors
    How Many Learners: 8
    Materials Status (loyalty cards, alphabet sheets, etc): only half a page of cards left

    Self Evaluation

    Preparation: Forgot to Show Up (1) vs. Every Hair In Place (10) = 6
    Technique: Completely Incompetent (1) vs. Flawless Delivery (10) = 5
    Engagement: Snoring Loudly (1) vs. Absolutely Riveted (10) = 7
    Connection: Open Hostility (1) vs. Kumbayah (10) = 7
    Poise: Charlie Brown (1) vs. Prince (10) = 5
    Reflection: “It was ok.” (1) vs. Life-changing Epiphany (10) = 5

    What happened (as short or as long as you like, but be specific): We spent this class talking about Oxbow Regional Park and the many activities they offer there. It was a very fun class with lots of laughing.

    Ashley Lopez

    Site: Midland Library
    Lesson Title: Fight for your rights
    Date of Class: May 15, 2019
    Time of Class: 6:00 PM
    MC: AshleyCreativeTraveler
    DJ: MC Entered attendance, no DJ
    Assistants/Shadowers/Auditioner: Trina, Sheila
    Module: Labor Unions
    How Many Learners: 7
    Materials Status (loyalty cards, alphabet sheets, etc): Low on loyalty cards

    Self Evaluation

    Preparation: Forgot to Show Up (1) vs. Every Hair In Place (10) = 8
    Technique: Completely Incompetent (1) vs. Flawless Delivery (10) = 7
    Engagement: Snoring Loudly (1) vs. Absolutely Riveted (10) = 8
    Connection: Open Hostility (1) vs. Kumbayah (10) = 7
    Poise: Charlie Brown (1) vs. Prince (10) = 7
    Reflection: “It was ok.” (1) vs. Life-changing Epiphany (10) = 7

    What happened (as short or as long as you like, but be specific): We started the class around 6pm with only 4 students and 3 facilitators, but as the class carried on, we ended up with 7 students. We dictated sentences about labor unions and VOZ in particular. We did a round robin with the question “Do you know what a labor union is?” We dictated sentences about the Legacy planting project BES did with VOZ. We did listen and point with a sheet of The Benefits of Trees. For the last activity I had 3 paragraphs with 7 fill in the blank word slots. The 3 paragraphs was transcribed from the KATU video about the project. Most of the students wrote all 7 words (trees, thirty, grow, stormwater, nature, stress, workers)!

    Daniel Yuhas

    Site: Midland Library
    Lesson Title: State Parks Near Portland
    Date of Class: May 16, 2019
    Time of Class: 6:00 PM
    MC: DanielGoofyProfessor
    DJ: MC Entered attendance, no DJ
    Module: The Great Outdoors
    How Many Learners: 4
    Materials Status (loyalty cards, alphabet sheets, etc): Low on alphabet sheets!

    Self Evaluation

    Preparation: Forgot to Show Up (1) vs. Every Hair In Place (10) = 8
    Technique: Completely Incompetent (1) vs. Flawless Delivery (10) = 9
    Engagement: Snoring Loudly (1) vs. Absolutely Riveted (10) = 9
    Connection: Open Hostility (1) vs. Kumbayah (10) = 9
    Poise: Charlie Brown (1) vs. Prince (10) = 9
    Reflection: “It was ok.” (1) vs. Life-changing Epiphany (10) = 10

    What happened (as short or as long as you like, but be specific): Rachel had a family emergency but emailed Daniel the lesson plan ahead of time. Only four learners this week so a smaller than usual group for Midland – an opportunity to be a bit more informal and provide some more one-on-one attention where needed.

    The lesson plan was about State Parks near Portland and we learned lots and lots about State Parks!

    Melissa Stocking

    Site: Midland Library
    Lesson Title: The most dangerous woman in America
    Date of Class: May 22, 2019
    Time of Class: 6:00 PM
    MC: DanielGoofyProfessor
    DJ: MelissaPatientParalegal
    Assistants/Shadowers/Auditioner: Sheila
    Module: Labor Union
    How Many Learners: 8
    Materials Status (loyalty cards, alphabet sheets, etc): Topped off evaluation sheets, about 5 blank loyalty cards remain

    Self Evaluation

    Preparation: Forgot to Show Up (1) vs. Every Hair In Place (10) = 6
    Technique: Completely Incompetent (1) vs. Flawless Delivery (10) = 6
    Engagement: Snoring Loudly (1) vs. Absolutely Riveted (10) = 8
    Connection: Open Hostility (1) vs. Kumbayah (10) = 8
    Poise: Charlie Brown (1) vs. Prince (10) = 7
    Reflection: “It was ok.” (1) vs. Life-changing Epiphany (10) = 9

    What happened (as short or as long as you like, but be specific): Daniel’s annotated observation, so Ramin was also present in an observer role. Activities included alphabet sheet, yell & spell, dictations, round robin about Mother Jones, document search and a brief listen and do. The learners were curious to understand terms that came up like “agitate,” “crooks her finger” and “raise hell.”

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