Walker Elementary – Winter 2015

Forums Past Tense Journal (Classroom Log) Walker Elementary – Winter 2015

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    Copy the text below and paste into a comment, then fill it out! Please do not use your last name, or any learner names.

    Lesson Title:
    Date of Class:
    Day of Class:
    Time of Class:
    How Many Learners:
    Materials Status (loyalty cards, alphabet sheets, etc):

    Self Evaluation

    Preparation: Forgot to Show Up (1) vs. Every Hair In Place (10) =
    Technique: Completely Incompetent (1) vs. Flawless Delivery (10) =
    Engagement: Snoring Loudly (1) vs. Absolutely Riveted (10) =
    Connection: Open Hostility (1) vs. Kumbayah (10) =
    Poise: Charlie Brown (1) vs. Prince (10) =
    Reflection: “It was ok.” (1) vs. Life-changing Epiphany (10) =

    Total Score:

    What happened (as short or as long as you like, but be specific):

    Gabby C

    Lesson Title: Maps and Addresses
    Date of Class: 1/21/2015
    Day of Class: Wednesday
    Time of Class: 6pm
    MC: Julie
    DJ: Gabby
    Assistants: Zadok and Kasuko
    Module: Maps and Addresses
    How Many Learners: 15
    Materials Status (loyalty cards, alphabet sheets, etc):
    Self Evaluation

    Preparation: Forgot to Show Up (1) vs. Every Hair In Place (10) =6
    Technique: Completely Incompetent (1) vs. Flawless Delivery (10) =6.5
    Engagement: Snoring Loudly (1) vs. Absolutely Riveted (10) =5.75
    Connection: Open Hostility (1) vs. Kumbayah (10) =7
    Poise: Charlie Brown (1) vs. Prince (10) =6.5
    Reflection: “It was ok.” (1) vs. Life-changing Epiphany (10) =5

    Total Score: 36.75

    What happened (as short or as long as you like, but be specific):
    It was a great kick start to winter term! Lots of communication and connection with students and it was hands down a great class. Started of with the usual Abc’s, yell and spell with names, and had them write down N,E,W,S. Lead to practicing the words. did a quick dialog of asking “what is your address” and “where do you live” finally did listen and point with the map and addresses. It was a great come back and a lot of the students left very happy and thanking Julie and I.

    Gabby C

    Lesson Title: Maps and addresses
    Date of Class: 1/28/2015
    Day of Class: Wednesday
    Time of Class: 6pm
    MC: zadok
    DJ: gabby
    Module: Maps and addresses
    How Many Learners: 15
    Materials Status (loyalty cards, alphabet sheets, etc):

    Self Evaluation

    Preparation: Forgot to Show Up (1) vs. Every Hair In Place (10) = 4.5
    Technique: Completely Incompetent (1) vs. Flawless Delivery (10) = 6.5
    Engagement: Snoring Loudly (1) vs. Absolutely Riveted (10) = 6.5
    Connection: Open Hostility (1) vs. Kumbayah (10) = 8
    Poise: Charlie Brown (1) vs. Prince (10) = 6
    Reflection: “It was ok.” (1) vs. Life-changing Epiphany (10) = 5

    Total Score: 36.5

    What happened (as short or as long as you like, but be specific):
    started the class off with Abc’s, did yell and spell with names after that had everyone write down “Hi my name is ….” “What’s yours” Zadok timed them by giving them 6 minutes to ask everyone what there name is. it was a great connection for the class. Afterwards he had them write down zip codes such as “aloha or, 97006” then did a quick dialog. Todays class had a great connection. if the student couldn’t figure out how to spell a word the would go to the next table and ask whoever got the answer to help them.

    Julie Shannon

    Lesson Title:
    Date of Class: 2/2/15
    Day of Class: Monday
    Time of Class: 6pm
    MC: Zadok
    DJ: Julie
    Assistants: n/a
    Module: mobile phones
    How Many Learners: 10
    Materials Status (loyalty cards, alphabet sheets, etc):

    Self Evaluation

    Preparation: Forgot to Show Up (1) vs. Every Hair In Place (10) = 4
    Technique: Completely Incompetent (1) vs. Flawless Delivery (10) = 6
    Engagement: Snoring Loudly (1) vs. Absolutely Riveted (10) = 7
    Connection: Open Hostility (1) vs. Kumbayah (10) = 7
    Poise: Charlie Brown (1) vs. Prince (10) = 6.5
    Reflection: “It was ok.” (1) vs. Life-changing Epiphany (10) = 5
    Total Score: 35.5

    What happened (as short or as long as you like, but be specific):

    We had a great class tonight! Lots of laughter & multi level engagement. Zadok’s lesson plan included abc listen & point. yell & spell. q & a dictation “Do you have a cell? Yes I do.” Listen & do (answer, hang up, turn it up/down, etc) and following up with dictation of these actions. Then a dialogue “what kind of phone do you have? It’s a Samsung. Oh, do you like it? I do.”

    Julie Shannon

    Lesson Title:
    Date of Class: 2/4/15
    Day of Class: Wednesday
    Time of Class: 6pm
    MC: Julie S.
    Module: maps and addresses
    How Many Learners: 12
    Materials Status (loyalty cards, alphabet sheets, etc):

    Self Evaluation

    Preparation: Forgot to Show Up (1) vs. Every Hair In Place (10) = 6
    Technique: Completely Incompetent (1) vs. Flawless Delivery (10) = 6.5
    Engagement: Snoring Loudly (1) vs. Absolutely Riveted (10) = 6
    Connection: Open Hostility (1) vs. Kumbayah (10) = 6
    Poise: Charlie Brown (1) vs. Prince (10) = 6
    Reflection: “It was ok.” (1) vs. Life-changing Epiphany(10 ) = 1

    Total Score: 31.5

    What happened (as short or as long as you like, but be specific): it was a decent class, but not one of my best. It started slowly with just one person in class at 6pm & the rest arrived by 630. Class included:
    abc listen & point,
    yell & spell,
    vocabulary (Avenue, Ave, Street, St, etc), q & a practicing addresses in pairs using the addresses on the scorecards (where is Fred Meyer? 1111 ne 102nd, portland or 97213),
    Document search (trimet map),
    A: excuse me, where is the safeway from here?
    B: is easy, just go two more blocks & turn left.
    A: great thanks!
    B: sure thing, you can’t miss it.

    Without an assistant, I was a little choppy introducing/modeling the dialogue. I asked for volunteers & a couple people of varying levels helped me model for the group. This was challenging because I didn’t expect lower level folks to volunteer, but I guided them through with me once each. it was great because they modeled taking a risk & trying it, and then a higher level student volunteered and we went through again more smoothly.
    Overall it was a good class.

    Julie Shannon

    Lesson Title: lol ttyl
    Date of Class: 2/9/15
    Day of Class: Monday
    Time of Class: 6pm
    MC: Gabby
    DJ: Julie
    Assistants: Danny (matesol observer)
    Module: mobile phones
    How Many Learners: 7
    Materials Status (loyalty cards, alphabet sheets, etc):

    Self Evaluation

    Preparation: Forgot to Show Up (1) vs. Every Hair In Place (10) = 5
    Technique: Completely Incompetent (1) vs. Flawless Delivery (10) = 5
    Engagement: Snoring Loudly (1) vs. Absolutely Riveted (10) = 5
    Connection: Open Hostility (1) vs. Kumbayah (10) = 5.5
    Poise: Charlie Brown (1) vs. Prince (10) = 5
    Reflection: “It was ok.” (1) vs. Life-changing Epiphany (10) = 4

    Total Score: 29.5

    What happened (as short or as long as you like, but be specific): We had a new module tonight and Gabby was creative in trying to come up with some new activities. There was a bit of confusion but lots of multi level engagement & laughing. We had a matesol student observing class & he gave some great affirmation at the end of class regarding the techniques used to reduce anxiety (technical term “natural approach”), like using “ready” and “you got it” as well as encouraging participants to get to know each other with name activities.

    The class activities included:
    *Abc listen & point
    *Introductions – Gabby asked “what did you do this weekend?” I answered “I went to the beach” then she asked students to pair up and ask each other the questions, write down their answers, and then introduce each other to the group “This is Julie. She went to the beach.”
    *q & a – (dictate & choral response & round robin)
    Do you have a cell? Yes I do/no i don’t.
    Do you use internet on your phone? Yes i do/no i don’t.
    Do you have unlimited texting? Yes i do/no i don’t.
    Do you use any social media? Yes i do. I use(fb, instagram, etc)/no i don’t.
    *pair up and create your own question to look up online on your phone. Write the answer. Each pair shared their unique question & answer with the group. (What is the population of portland? What does your name mean? etc)
    *texting vocabulary (abbreviation & meaning) – yolo you only live once, omg oh my god, , ttyl talk to you later, lol laugh out loud.

    Zadok Taylor

    Lesson Title: None
    Date of Class: 2/11/2015
    Day of Class: Wednesday
    Time of Class: 6:00-7:30
    MC: Julie
    DJ: Zadok
    Assistants: n/a
    Module: Maps & Addresses
    How Many Learners: 10
    Materials Status (loyalty cards, alphabet sheets, etc): Solid

    Self Evaluation

    Preparation: Forgot to Show Up (1) vs. Every Hair In Place (10) = 5.5
    Technique: Completely Incompetent (1) vs. Flawless Delivery (10) = 6
    Engagement: Snoring Loudly (1) vs. Absolutely Riveted (10) = 5
    Connection: Open Hostility (1) vs. Kumbayah (10) = 6
    Poise: Charlie Brown (1) vs. Prince (10) = 605
    Reflection: “It was ok.” (1) vs. Life-changing Epiphany (10) = 5

    Total Score:

    What happened (as short or as long as you like, but be specific): Solid class. Julie asked students to dictate their home streets, which lead to some confusion. She also tried a new activity that Zadok and Julie talked about ways to improve upon the following class. Good energy and was really able to roll with the mentioned set-backs.

    Julie Shannon

    Lesson Title: What is your address?
    Date of Class: 2/18/15
    Day of Class: Wednesday
    Time of Class: 6pm
    MC: Gabby
    DJ: Julie
    Module: maps and addresses
    How Many Learners: 9
    Materials Status (loyalty cards, alphabet sheets, etc):

    Self Evaluation

    Preparation: Forgot to Show Up (1) vs. Every Hair In Place (10) = 6
    Technique: Completely Incompetent (1) vs. Flawless Delivery (10) = 5.5
    Engagement: Snoring Loudly (1) vs. Absolutely Riveted (10) = 5
    Connection: Open Hostility (1) vs. Kumbayah (10) = 6
    Poise: Charlie Brown (1) vs. Prince (10) = 5
    Reflection: “It was ok.” (1) vs. Life-changing Epiphany (10) = 5

    Total Score: 27.5

    What happened (as short or as long as you like, but be specific): good class, there were fewer activities but a couple were long, lots of engagement around the room. Class included:
    *abc listen & point
    *Yell & spell (first, last, & family member first name)
    *dictation “what is your address?”
    *q & a activity. Gabby dictated A. What is your address? B. My address is. .. (go around the room and get everyone’s address) then she asked different people – what is her address, what is his address,
    *dance activity. 1st dictate song, then get up and act it out.
    “To the right, to the left. Backward and reverse. Straight and forward.”
    *compass activity. Gabby put a direction on each person’s back (n, ne, e, se, s, sw, w, nw), then she had them arrange themselves in a circle. Then i called out directions for listen & point.


    Lesson Title: Can you hear me
    Date of Class: Feb 23 – 2015
    Day of Class: Monday
    Time of Class: 6:00 – 7:30
    MC: Julie
    DJ: Benjamin
    Module: Mobile Phones
    How Many Learners: 8
    Materials Status (loyalty cards, alphabet sheets, etc): headphones, charger, USB cab!e, car charger.

    Self Evaluation

    Preparation: Forgot to Show Up (1) vs. Every Hair In Place (10) = 7
    Technique: Completely Incompetent (1) vs. Flawless Delivery (10) = 7
    Engagement: Snoring Loudly (1) vs. Absolutely Riveted (10) = 7
    Connection: Open Hostility (1) vs. Kumbayah (10) = 7
    Poise: Charlie Brown (1) vs. Prince (10) = 7
    Reflection: “It was ok.” (1) vs. Life-changing Epiphany (10) = 5

    Total Score: 40

    What happened (as short or as long as you like, but be specific): it was one of the best classes I’ve been to, lots of activities in 1 hour and a half. I was very impressive to be my first time with Julie. A very complete class.


    Lesson Title: If you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all.
    Date of Class: March/02/2015
    Day of Class: Monday
    Time of Class: 6:00 – 7::30 pm
    MC: Julie
    DJ: Ben
    Assistants: none
    Module: Small Talk
    How Many Learners: 7
    Materials Status (loyalty cards, alphabet sheets, etc): A Phone.

    Self Evaluation

    Preparation: Forgot to Show Up (1) vs. Every Hair In Place (10) =6
    Technique: Completely Incompetent (1) vs. Flawless Delivery (10) =6/1/2
    Engagement: Snoring Loudly (1) vs. Absolutely Riveted (10) =6
    Connection: Open Hostility (1) vs. Kumbayah (10) =6
    Poise: Charlie Brown (1) vs. Prince (10) =6
    Reflection: “It was ok.” (1) vs. Life-changing Epiphany (10) =5

    Total Score: 35/1/2

    What happened (as short or as long as you like, but be specific): it was a great class, I talked to the MC about the use of “Repeat after me” I suggested to try a different one like “hey everyone when I say … You say ….
    One student suggested to try to read books, I think that’s a great idea and because they want to read books to their children.
    That’s all. Awesome class Julie :)


    Lesson Title: Native & Invasive Plants
    Date of Class: 3/4/15
    Day of Class: Wednesday
    Time of Class: 6-730pm
    MC: Gabby
    DJ: Patrik
    Module: In the Neighborhood – Native & Invasive Plants
    How Many Learners: 4
    Materials Status (loyalty cards, alphabet sheets, etc): good

    Self Evaluation

    Preparation: Forgot to Show Up (1) vs. Every Hair In Place (10) = 7
    Technique: Completely Incompetent (1) vs. Flawless Delivery (10) = 5
    Engagement: Snoring Loudly (1) vs. Absolutely Riveted (10) = 6
    Connection: Open Hostility (1) vs. Kumbayah (10) = 7
    Poise: Charlie Brown (1) vs. Prince (10) = 6
    Reflection: “It was ok.” (1) vs. Life-changing Epiphany (10) = 6

    Total Score: 37

    What happened (as short or as long as you like, but be specific): This was Gabby’s Gentle Intervention. It was a smaller class than normal, and we were a little surprised by not having an assistant, though we were notified about it. Gabby was very open to feedback, and the group was also pretty high skill. We went right around the alphabet and just gave them the native plants which proved interesting. Gabby also brought in soil and things to plant – we didn’t get to it, but that was a really good idea. While doing listen and point, we learned that one learner did landscaping, so we did an activity where we helped him talk about why he didn’t like landscaping.. and it challenged him. He realized that he’d been saying “laid down” instead of “laid off” and that didn’t really feel too good to realize that.. but he did appreciate it. Gabby and I chatted quite a bit afterwards, and she said that she saw that the activities were more flexible than she’d been thinking.


    Lesson Title:
    Date of Class: March/09/15
    Day of Class: Monday
    Time of Class: 6:00-7:30
    MC: Zsock
    DJ: Ben
    Assistants: n/a
    Module: Small Talk
    How Many Learners: 6
    Materials Status (loyalty cards, alphabet sheets, etc):

    Self Evaluation

    Preparation: Forgot to Show Up (1) vs. Every Hair In Place (10) = 4.5
    Technique: Completely Incompetent (1) vs. Flawless Delivery (10) = 5
    Engagement: Snoring Loudly (1) vs. Absolutely Riveted (10) = 5
    Connection: Open Hostility (1) vs. Kumbayah (10) =6.5
    Poise: Charlie Brown (1) vs. Prince (10) = 4
    Reflection: “It was ok.” (1) vs. Life-changing Epiphany (10) = 5

    Total Score: 35

    What happened (as short or as long as you like, but be specific): Pretty cool class, started with alphabet sheet then lots of dictation which it was nice, we moved the learners around. Some of them were struggling with the word “that’d be”, but they had the idea so that was helphul. I didn’t have a lesson plan before class but it was fine because I was busy during class. Zadok had a lot of energy to teach the class.


    Lesson Title: Everything Is Coming Up Roses
    Date of Class: 3/11/15
    Day of Class: Wednesday
    Time of Class: 6-730
    MC: Julie
    DJ: Patrik
    Module: In The Neighborhood – Native Plants & Invasive Species
    How Many Learners: 7
    Materials Status (loyalty cards, alphabet sheets, etc): Good

    Self Evaluation

    Preparation: Forgot to Show Up (1) vs. Every Hair In Place (10) = 7
    Technique: Completely Incompetent (1) vs. Flawless Delivery (10) = 6
    Engagement: Snoring Loudly (1) vs. Absolutely Riveted (10) = 7
    Connection: Open Hostility (1) vs. Kumbayah (10) = 7
    Poise: Charlie Brown (1) vs. Prince (10) = 6
    Reflection: “It was ok.” (1) vs. Life-changing Epiphany (10) = 7

    Total Score: 40

    What happened (as short or as long as you like, but be specific): A very solid class. I showed Julie how to do Yell & Spell #2, by spelling the names quickly. We talked about building a lesson plan around real world material, and about keeping the “This is an Apple” activity separate from the dictation part of it. She kept her cool and rocked the class!

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