Rockwood Library – Winter 2020

Forums Past Tense Journal (Classroom Log) Rockwood Library – Winter 2020

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  • #12143
    Shelley Zansler

    Site: Rockwood Library
    Lesson Title: What is Super Tuesday?
    Date of Class: Mar 03, 2020
    Time of Class: 6:00 PM
    MC: PatrikKilpatrickEvolutionary
    DJ: ShelleySincereLearner
    Module: Primaries & Caucuses
    How Many Learners: 11
    Materials Status (loyalty cards, alphabet sheets, etc):

    Self Evaluation

    Preparation: Forgot to Show Up (1) vs. Every Hair In Place (10) = 4
    Technique: Completely Incompetent (1) vs. Flawless Delivery (10) = 6
    Engagement: Snoring Loudly (1) vs. Absolutely Riveted (10) = 5
    Connection: Open Hostility (1) vs. Kumbayah (10) = 6
    Poise: Charlie Brown (1) vs. Prince (10) = 5
    Reflection: “It was ok.” (1) vs. Life-changing Epiphany (10) = 6

    What happened (as short or as long as you like, but be specific): Today we learned about Super Tuesday! In an unexpected turn of events, Patrik forwent the alphabet sheets partway through the first set of letters and pivoted into a sign language-based alphabet sheet activity. Woah! Learners also seemed surprised, but their energy levels picked up quickly, and they seemed to have a fun time with it. Shelley was supes excited and taught the sign for “ready!” Some learners seemed really into signing “ready!” before fingerspelling their names. The unexpected activity was engaging and seemed to wake everyone up.

    Then we jumped in to some Super Tuesday dictation. Learners (hopefully) got some understanding of Super Tuesday and its significance and got some familiarity with the democratic candidates. Overall, learner connection was pretty good. Before starting the lesson, Patrik readjusted the seating arrangement just a bit, and different people than usual were interacting with each other, which was cool. We finished off the class with an SNL video that introduced the democratic candidates and discussed COVID. The video was maybe not as effective as hoped, and Patrik felt uncertain about it partway through. But! It seemed like learners were mostly focused on the video and listening to it.

    Overall, it felt like a relatively high-energy class that moved quickly.

    Judy Stone

    Site: Rockwood Library
    Lesson Title: Wash your hands
    Date of Class: Mar 04, 2020
    Time of Class: 2:00 PM
    MC: AmandaAdventurousTraveler
    DJ: JudyAwesomeVolunteer
    Assistants/Shadowers/Auditioner: Kelzie
    Module: Wash your hands
    How Many Learners: 11
    Materials Status (loyalty cards, alphabet sheets, etc): OK

    Self Evaluation

    Preparation: Forgot to Show Up (1) vs. Every Hair In Place (10) = 7
    Technique: Completely Incompetent (1) vs. Flawless Delivery (10) = 7
    Engagement: Snoring Loudly (1) vs. Absolutely Riveted (10) = 8
    Connection: Open Hostility (1) vs. Kumbayah (10) = 8
    Poise: Charlie Brown (1) vs. Prince (10) = 8
    Reflection: “It was ok.” (1) vs. Life-changing Epiphany (10) = 7

    What happened (as short or as long as you like, but be specific): Great class. Learners were powerfully engaged and recognized that acting out this ever more important activity was very relevant. MC made good use of hand outs illustrating activity and good use of learners’ acting out activity. At the same time there was interaction among learners and the introduction of new words. Learners seemed to have a good time.

    Judy Stone

    Site: Rockwood Library
    Lesson Title: Local Flora Natives and Invasives
    Date of Class: Mar 11, 2020
    Time of Class: 2:00 PM
    MC: PatrikKilpatrickEvolutionary
    DJ: JudyAwesomeVolunteer
    Assistants/Shadowers/Auditioner: Kelsy
    Module: Local Flora
    How Many Learners: 10
    Materials Status (loyalty cards, alphabet sheets, etc): OK

    Self Evaluation

    Preparation: Forgot to Show Up (1) vs. Every Hair In Place (10) = 6
    Technique: Completely Incompetent (1) vs. Flawless Delivery (10) = 6
    Engagement: Snoring Loudly (1) vs. Absolutely Riveted (10) = 6
    Connection: Open Hostility (1) vs. Kumbayah (10) = 8
    Poise: Charlie Brown (1) vs. Prince (10) = 7
    Reflection: “It was ok.” (1) vs. Life-changing Epiphany (10) = 7

    What happened (as short or as long as you like, but be specific): We began with one learner and ended with ten. Kelsy the shadower supplied a variety of branches and plants. Learners got to handle and smell them, as well as write and say their names. There was a very good rapport among the learners.

    Ramin Tokhi

    Site: Rockwood Library
    Lesson Title: Everyone counts
    Date of Class: Mar 09, 2020
    Time of Class: 6:00 PM
    MC: RaminPolyglotMaestro
    DJ: MC Entered attendance, no DJ
    Module: Census 2020
    How Many Learners: 7
    Materials Status (loyalty cards, alphabet sheets, etc): ok

    Self Evaluation

    Preparation: Forgot to Show Up (1) vs. Every Hair In Place (10) = 4
    Technique: Completely Incompetent (1) vs. Flawless Delivery (10) = 4
    Engagement: Snoring Loudly (1) vs. Absolutely Riveted (10) = 4
    Connection: Open Hostility (1) vs. Kumbayah (10) = 4
    Poise: Charlie Brown (1) vs. Prince (10) = 4
    Reflection: “It was ok.” (1) vs. Life-changing Epiphany (10) = 2

    What happened (as short or as long as you like, but be specific): I had to come with up with my lesson on the fly combining census topic and the upcoming event on March 19th which not got cancelled.

    Judy Stone

    Site: Rockwood Library
    Lesson Title: Census 2020
    Date of Class: Mar 09, 2020
    Time of Class: 2:00 PM
    MC: DanielGoofyProfessor
    DJ: JudyAwesomeVolunteer
    Module: census 20220
    How Many Learners: 05
    Materials Status (loyalty cards, alphabet sheets, etc): OK

    Self Evaluation

    Preparation: Forgot to Show Up (1) vs. Every Hair In Place (10) = 5
    Technique: Completely Incompetent (1) vs. Flawless Delivery (10) = 5
    Engagement: Snoring Loudly (1) vs. Absolutely Riveted (10) = 5
    Connection: Open Hostility (1) vs. Kumbayah (10) = 6
    Poise: Charlie Brown (1) vs. Prince (10) = 4
    Reflection: “It was ok.” (1) vs. Life-changing Epiphany (10) = 6

    What happened (as short or as long as you like, but be specific): The subject of the class, census 2020, was one most learners had already heard about and therefor were not that engaged. It was also difficult to enliven the subject. The MC made a good effort, but unfortunately most learners didn’t connect with it. Nonetheless the learners stayed with it and accomplished the mastery of several challenging words. Also the interaction and support among the learners was impressive.


    Site: Rockwood Library
    Lesson Title: Delegate Rich
    Date of Class: Mar 10, 2020
    Time of Class: 6:00 PM
    MC: PatrikKilpatrickEvolutionary
    DJ: MC Entered attendance, no DJ
    Module: Primaries & Caucuses
    How Many Learners: 10
    Materials Status (loyalty cards, alphabet sheets, etc): cut up some new loyalty cards

    Self Evaluation

    Preparation: Forgot to Show Up (1) vs. Every Hair In Place (10) = 5
    Technique: Completely Incompetent (1) vs. Flawless Delivery (10) = 5
    Engagement: Snoring Loudly (1) vs. Absolutely Riveted (10) = 6
    Connection: Open Hostility (1) vs. Kumbayah (10) = 6
    Poise: Charlie Brown (1) vs. Prince (10) = 6
    Reflection: “It was ok.” (1) vs. Life-changing Epiphany (10) = 3

    What happened (as short or as long as you like, but be specific): A decent class, with a bit more preparation than I’ve pulled off lately, but still my map was weird, and there were several new people, class overall was a tad higher level than usual, but they worked pretty hard. We asked the group who they thought would win the most delegates. A couple of sanders, mostly biden. The newer people did connect pretty well, which doesn’t always happen, and afterwards, connected with a couple of learners about citizenship, welcome back vulture day, and other ways to increase connections and power.


    Lesson Title: Demographic Information
    Date of Class: 3/2/20
    Day of Class: Monday
    Time of Class: 6pm
    MC: Patrik
    Module: Census 2020
    How Many Learners: 10
    Materials Status (loyalty cards, alphabet sheets, etc):

    Self Evaluation

    Preparation: Forgot to Show Up (1) vs. Every Hair In Place (10) = 5
    Technique: Completely Incompetent (1) vs. Flawless Delivery (10) = 5
    Engagement: Snoring Loudly (1) vs. Absolutely Riveted (10) = 5
    Connection: Open Hostility (1) vs. Kumbayah (10) = 5
    Poise: Charlie Brown (1) vs. Prince (10) = 5
    Reflection: “It was ok.” (1) vs. Life-changing Epiphany (10) = 2

    What happened (as short or as long as you like, but be specific): I kept losing the data for this class, and I’m not quite sure I have the right people, though it’s close.. challenging because there are two classes on monday, and I can’t tell which person was in the day or evening class! a problem to fix one day. Mostly, I dictated the number of people who speak are limited English proficient

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