Rockwood Library – Winter 2014

Forums Past Tense Journal (Classroom Log) Rockwood Library – Winter 2014

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    Copy the text below and paste into a comment, then fill it out! Please do not use your last name, or any learner names.

    Date of Class:
    Day of Class:
    Time of Class:
    How Many Learners:
    What happened (as short or as long as you like, but be specific):

    • This topic was modified 10 years, 8 months ago by WebMaestrex.
    • This topic was modified 10 years, 8 months ago by WebMaestrex.
    • This topic was modified 10 years, 8 months ago by WebMaestrex.
    • This topic was modified 10 years, 8 months ago by WebMaestrex.
    • This topic was modified 10 years, 8 months ago by WebMaestrex.
    • This topic was modified 10 years, 8 months ago by WebMaestrex.
    • This topic was modified 10 years, 6 months ago by WebMaestrex.
    Lisa C

    Date of Class: January 21, 2014
    Day of Class: Tuesday
    Time of Class: 6:00-7:30
    MC: Patrik
    DJ: Lisa
    Assistants: Colin, Darlene
    Module: In the Kitchen
    How Many Learners: 4
    Score: 33
    What happened (as short or as long as you like, but be specific):
    This was the dialogue thrice around:
    Question: What did you have for lunch?
    Answer: I had a sandwich for lunch.
    I guess we should all start eating different things for lunch from now on, at least no more sandwiches.

    David Rutiezer

    Date of Class: 1/22/2014
    Day of Class: Wednesday
    Time of Class: 12pm to 2pm
    MC: Patrik
    Module: In the Kitchen
    How Many Learners: 4
    What happened (as short or as long as you like, but be specific):Equal number of learners and helpers. Good efforts by learners.

    Brooke Stady

    Date of Class: 1/27/14
    Day of Class: Monday
    Time of Class: 6-7:30
    MC: Mary Louise
    DJ: Brooke
    Assistants:Ruby, Nicole, Darlene, Alyson, Forrest, Colin, Stephanie, Casey
    Module: In the Kitchen
    How Many Learners: 4
    What happened (as short or as long as you like, but be specific):
    The first 2 learners were standing outside the classroom at about 8 after when Brooke went to go look for people. They seemed nervous to come in but they did. The other 2 trickled in sometime between then and 6:30. We started with the alphabet, it was noted that 2 of the learners were having a harder time with it.. we were wondering if it’s because the alphabet sheet is new this term and they were adjusting. We then went onto yell n spell which was interesting with all of the assistants there.. we had many names to spell!
    Next was kitchen utensil vocab/dictation. Then a short dialogue in 2 different larger groups, with 2 learners each group. We practiced the names of the items with a short dialogue. Then we stayed in those groups and worked with a document search activity that was then turned into a dictation/dialogue using the content of the document. Class ended with a fun TPR!

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 8 months ago by Brooke Stady.

    Date of Class: 1/27/14
    Day of Class: Monday
    Time of Class: 12-2pm
    MC: Patrik
    Assistants: Stephanie H
    Module: In The Kitchen
    How Many Learners: 4
    Score: 33
    What happened (as short or as long as you like, but be specific): Two new learners, two returnees. The new folks were a little uptight at first – they even said . this is unusual.. but they got into it, and loosened up, and you could see that the left pleased.

    S Bones

    Date of Class:1/28/14
    Day of Class: Tuesday
    Time of Class: 6pm
    MC: Patrik
    DJ: SamBones
    Assistants: Lisa, Ruby, Casey, Daniel, Jude,
    Module: In the Kitchen
    How Many Learners: 6
    What happened (as short or as long as you like, but be specific):
    My first day back after taking a break…Patrik was demonstrating the module to the above 5 assistants who were mostly new and observing how the class functions. The students were all Spanish speakers except for one. Both Casey and Daniel are in the PSU program and were valuable in explaining some new terminology (in the educational sense) when we all were chatting amongst ourselves before class actually started.

    S Bones

    Date of Class:01/29/14
    Day of Class:Weds.
    Time of Class:noon
    Module:In the Kitchen
    How Many Learners:4
    What happened (as short or as long as you like, but be specific):David and I met for the first time and we will be c9-facilitating this class. It was a new class and we only had 4 students. I knew one of them from the night before and the other I know from when I was here in the Fall. With five minutes left, David decided to teach Pattycake, Pattycake, Baker’s Man, or “pat a cake” which he shared from his own childhood. He dictated it, and everyone caught on to the apostrophe in Baker’s, and it involved plenty of TPR. Afterwards, the three of us discussed the possible issue of teaching a nursery rhyme to adults, wondering if they would feel insulted. I didn’t notice that any student felt uncomfortable with it and is something that they can bring home to the babies in their own life, or can teach to the parents. Great idea David!

    Mary Louise W

    Date of Class: 2/3/14
    Day of Class: Monday
    Time of Class: 6-7:30
    MC: ML
    DJ: None
    Assistants: Alyson, Forrest
    Module: Money
    How Many Learners: 10
    Score: 40
    What happened: A great turn-out tonight with 10 people, three of which were new-comers. The alphabet listen and point was a bit scattered, while I tried to organize seating, get the observers engaged and deal with attendance cards, but we eventually got on a roll. With all the new Ss/observers, we spent awhile on names. The Money module seemed to engage the learners more quickly than most- we did some vocab, then spent a good amount of time dictating/writing a slew of different monetary quantities. After passing around some real money and reviewing coin/bill names, we did a coin grab around the room. Each Ss got to say “give me $x.xx” to their neighbor, who found the correct change from the pile. This activity brought really great energy and engagement to the class, which continued through the dictation which reviewed coin/bill values. Overall a great class that almost went over time because we were all so involved- always a good sign.


    Date of Class: 2/3/14
    Day of Class: Monday
    Time of Class: 12-2
    MC: Patrik
    Assistants: Stephanie H
    Module: Tri-Met
    How Many Learners: 2
    Score: 3+6+7+6+6+7= 35
    What happened (as short or as long as you like, but be specific): It was snowing in the morning, which may have caused a few folks not to turn out. one learner was very early, another learner very late. The small class and the particular learning and social styles of the two learners made it challenging to get them to loosen up, but it was productive.

    S Bones

    Date of Class: Feb 4
    Day of Class: Tuesday PM
    Time of Class: 6:00
    MC: Lisa Cha
    DJ: Sam Bones
    Assistants: David (Jude) Alisa, Colin
    Module: Telephone Etiquette
    How Many Learners: 11
    Score: 36
    What happened (as short or as long as you like, but be specific):
    We had three new students tonight! Also nice to see a few students from when I taught a year ago make an appearance. We played telephone and most everything was pretty garbled when it got to the last person. Although Lisa initially was not sure if there would be an issue with strangers whispering closely into each others’ ear, everyone seemed quite comfortable with it. We were split up into groups to work on the dictation/role play, which took up much of the class time. Each group had either Lisa or I or one of the assistants helping the students along.
    And, as it turns out, Lisa and I actually know each other (what a small world) from when we were both taiko drummers at PSU, so we already know a bit about working together as a team, which will totally enhance the class.

    David Rutiezer

    Date of Class:Feb. 5, 2014
    Day of Class: Wednesday
    Time of Class:12 noon to 2 pm
    MC:Sam Bones
    DJ:David Rutiezer
    Module:What Do You Do?
    How Many Learners:6
    What happened (as short or as long as you like, but be specific):
    6 students. Role plays.

    Lisa C

    Date of Class: February 11, 2014
    Day of Class: Tuesday
    Time of Class: 6:00-7:30 PM
    MC: Sam Bones
    DJ: Lisa
    Assistants: Alisa, Ruby, Mary, Darlene
    Module: Telephone Etiquette
    How Many Learners: 7
    Score: 49
    What happened:
    Sam Bones brought tin cans for us to play with as telephones, which was so funny watching the learners use it. Playing telephone has turned out to be a very funny activity, some of the final statements ranged somewhere in the form of: ‘Is the spider plastic?’, ‘The guy is’, and ‘The pig is big’ (none of which were even close to the original statement except maybe the spider one). We celebrated Sam Bones’ birthday, so there was chocolate cake and singing!

    S Bones

    My favorite part of the night was when we had the students stand back-to-back to read the dialogue, so that they couldn’t see each other…just like when you talk on the phone. The dialogue was that you were calling someone to leave a message, and you had to spell out your name and when it was Vulfrano’s turn, he spelled his name out like a champ without having to look! And although we applauded after each student did his dialogue, we cheered for Vulfrano!!

    S Bones

    Date of Class: February 12 2014
    Day of Class: Tuesday
    Time of Class: Noon
    MC: David
    DJ: Bones
    Module: What do you do?
    How Many Learners: 5
    What happened (as short or as long as you like, but be specific):
    There were some rough spots as far as the class went, but I think though the self eval after the class we worked discussed some potential ways to deal with particular situations and found ways to potentially smooth them out.
    David and I are working on becoming familiar with our particularities and understanding how to roll with each others’ teaching styles. David brought a friend, Tokiko, which I understood she is a TESOL student working with Japanese language-learners. She not only wanted to observe, she wanted to be a student as well because she would like to be more proficient in English herself.

    Lisa C

    Date of Class: February 18, 2014
    Day of Class: Tuesday
    Time of Class: 6:00-7:30 PM
    MC: Ruby
    DJ: Lisa/Sam Bones
    Assistants: Alisa, David, Colin
    Module: Telephone Etiquette
    How Many Learners: 5
    Score: 26
    What happened (as short or as long as you like, but be specific):
    This was Ruby’s first class, so “Yay” to her for taking that first scary step into teaching. As for a first class, there were some ups and downs in time management and we ran through the lesson plan really quickly but SamBones and I (Lisa) stepped in temporarily and brought the class along with some phone-number dictation and hang man with vocab that we were already working on, then Ruby ended the class with a short dialogue work.

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