ETC – Summer 2019

Forums Past Tense Journal (Classroom Log) ETC – Summer 2019

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  • #11511
    Zadok Taylor

    You should have received an email from Little Brother with your form-generated journal entry which you should copy and paste below! You can also manually copy the text below and paste into a comment, then fill it out! Please do not use your last name, or any learner names.

    Lesson Title:
    Date of Class:
    Day of Class:
    Time of Class:
    How Many Learners:
    Materials Status (loyalty cards, alphabet sheets, etc):

    Self Evaluation

    Preparation: Forgot to Show Up (1) vs. Every Hair In Place (10) =
    Technique: Completely Incompetent (1) vs. Flawless Delivery (10) =
    Engagement: Snoring Loudly (1) vs. Absolutely Riveted (10) =
    Connection: Open Hostility (1) vs. Kumbayah (10) =
    Poise: Charlie Brown (1) vs. Prince (10) =
    Reflection: “It was ok.” (1) vs. Life-changing Epiphany (10) =

    Total Score:

    What happened (as short or as long as you like, but be specific):

    Zadok Taylor

    Lesson Title: ETC Nakano Day 1
    Date of Class: 07/29/19
    Day of Class: Monday
    Time of Class: 9:00 AM
    Facilitator #1: Patrik
    Facilitator #2: Zadok
    Assistants/Shadowers/Auditioner: Ethan, Santiago
    Module: ETC Curriculum
    How Many Learners: 14
    Materials Status (loyalty cards, alphabet sheets, etc):

    What happened (as short or as long as you like, but be specific): Coin Grab/Maps, then walk about

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 3 months ago by Zadok Taylor.
    • This reply was modified 5 years, 3 months ago by Zadok Taylor.
    Zadok Taylor

    Lesson Title: ETC Nakano Day 2
    Date of Class: 07/30/19
    Day of Class: Tuesday
    Time of Class: 9:00 AM
    Facilitator #1: Patrik
    Facilitator #2: Zadok
    Module: ETC Curriculum
    How Many Learners: 14
    Materials Status (loyalty cards, alphabet sheets, etc):

    What happened (as short or as long as you like, but be specific): Fred Meyer Advert/Berries

    Zadok Taylor

    Lesson Title: ETC Nakano Day 3
    Date of Class: 07/31/19
    Day of Class: Wednesday
    Time of Class: 9:00 AM
    Facilitator #1: Patrik
    Facilitator #2: Zadok
    Assistants/Shadowers/Auditioner: Kouen
    Module: ETC Curriculum
    How Many Learners: 14
    Materials Status (loyalty cards, alphabet sheets, etc):

    What happened (as short or as long as you like, but be specific): Trip to Fred Meyers and scavenger hunt

    Zadok Taylor

    Lesson Title: ETC Nakano Day 4
    Date of Class: 08/01/19
    Day of Class: Thursday
    Time of Class: 9:00 AM
    Facilitator #1: Patrik
    Facilitator #2: Zadok
    Assistants/Shadowers/Auditioner: Jay, Ethan
    Module: ETC Curriculum
    How Many Learners: 14
    Materials Status (loyalty cards, alphabet sheets, etc):

    What happened (as short or as long as you like, but be specific): Berries/Portland Parks, Song- Old Town Road

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 3 months ago by Zadok Taylor.
    Zadok Taylor

    Lesson Title: ETC Nakano Day 5
    Date of Class: 8/02/19
    Day of Class: Friday
    Time of Class: 9:00 AM
    Facilitator #1: May
    Facilitator #2: Santiago
    Module: ETC Curriculum
    How Many Learners: 14
    Materials Status (loyalty cards, alphabet sheets, etc):

    What happened (as short or as long as you like, but be specific): Song- Old Town Road

    Zadok Taylor

    Lesson Title: ETC Shukutoku Day 1
    Date of Class: 8/02/19
    Day of Class: Friday
    Time of Class: 9:00 AM
    Facilitator #1: Patrik
    Facilitator #2: Zadok
    Module: ETC Curriculum
    How Many Learners: 36
    Materials Status (loyalty cards, alphabet sheets, etc):

    What happened (as short or as long as you like, but be specific): Coin Grab/Portland Map, building tour

    Zadok Taylor

    Lesson Title: ETC Shukutoku Day 2
    Date of Class: 8/06/19
    Day of Class: Tuesday
    Time of Class: 9:00 AM
    Facilitator #1: Patrik
    Facilitator #2: Zadok
    Module: ETC Curriculum
    How Many Learners: 36
    Materials Status (loyalty cards, alphabet sheets, etc):

    What happened (as short or as long as you like, but be specific): Shopping and

    Zadok Taylor

    Lesson Title: ETC Shukutoku Day 3
    Date of Class: 8/08/19
    Day of Class: Thursday
    Time of Class: 9:00 AM
    Facilitator #1: Patrik
    Facilitator #2: Zadok
    Module: ETC Curriculum
    How Many Learners: 36
    Materials Status (loyalty cards, alphabet sheets, etc):

    What happened (as short or as long as you like, but be specific): Fruits Basket, Adventure Time Dictation, Zoo map, Taylor Swift- You Need to Calm Down song

    Zadok Taylor

    Lesson Title: ETC Shukutoku Day 4
    Date of Class: 8/09/19
    Day of Class: Friday
    Time of Class: 9:00 AM
    Facilitator #1: Patrik
    Facilitator #2: Zadok
    Module: ETC Curriculum
    How Many Learners: 36
    Materials Status (loyalty cards, alphabet sheets, etc):

    What happened (as short or as long as you like, but be specific): Walked to the berry patch, wrote letters to host family and back home, and took a tour of the convent. Patrik passed around various bulk nuts and fruits at the end.

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