You can be a part owner of People-Places-Things, and help us nurture ethnic diversity and intercultural communication across the nation!
There are different levels of Ownership:
Soci@ – Anyone who completes one of the certificate programs is considered a “Soci@” – socio means “partner” or “member” in Spanish – and has the right to be considered for paying jobs with P-P-T, referrals to partner schools and companies, letters of recommendation, and privileged access to events. They are not part of the Owner’s Circle, but they have a right to acquire equity.
Patron – A “Patron” is someone who has invested a significant amount of time or money into P-P-T and has earned the right to a share of profits, preferred access to paid work, inside information about P-P-T, and influence over the direction of the company. They are non-voting members, and have minimal responsibilities outside of any equity building work they are doing. A Patron is a part of the Owner’s Circle, which means that they are legally granted “units” of ownership, with privileges and responsibilities attached.
Asociad@ (Managing Partner) – Managing Partners are Patrones who have essentially taken on a job description with P-P-T, working at least 20 hours a week for equity. They receive priority in profit sharing and in access to paid work. They have additional responsibilities for the company, and have the power to make major decisions – such as borrowing money, selling the company, inviting other Patrones to become Asociad@s, or speaking to the media.
Anyone can become a part of the Owner’s Circle by buying equity with cash, or providing services (“sweat equity”). At the moment, P-P-T is in an interim building phase, and anyone who accrues $10,000 in equity can enter the Owner’s Circle as a Patron. Soci@s automatically earn $2,000 in equity towards the threshold when they complete the English for the Community Certificate. Equity building protocols will change periodically as the company grows.